church structure

The ministry structure of Crosshaven Church is a three-fold, biblical model: Elder Led, Deacon Served, and Congregationally Affirmed. Our paid ministry staff is made up of a combination of church elders and other qualified leaders who serve in areas where they are gifted to lead. Our elder body consists of a combination of church appointed lay elders and staff elders who lead in vision casting and provide biblical direction to the church. Our deacons are qualified men appointed by the church who serve our church family through a deacon family ministry. Our deacons set the example as leaders in Christian service. Our congregation is filled with many gifted lay leaders who serve in various capacities of volunteer service, teaching, missions, outreach, etc. Crosshaven strives to be a church where every church member serves and uses his or her gifts and talents to serve the Lord, share the Gospel, and disciple others.